The Christian Labor Association is an independent union representing workers throughout the United States, covering a wide variety of professions and industries. Since 1931 our balanced and inclusive approach to labor relations has provided dignity and respect for both employees and employers. Our goal is to create the best possible workplace environment.
Message to Employers:
The CLA works to promote harmony between Employer and Employee. This makes us a unique organization. The CLA is a labor union, certified by the National Labor Relations Board and similar state and local agencies. Our right to act as bargaining agents for employees is protected by law. The CLA is not affiliated with a large international union, but democratically governed by its membership. The CLA promotes harmony among all workers. Our method of operation allows for the crossing of trade lines, eliminating craft disputes. The CLA realizes that the livelihood of the employer and employee is derived from the same source.
Want your organization to take advantage of all the benefits of being a member of the Christian Labor Association? Please contact one of our area representatives.
A Message to Employees:
If you feel you need representation and a balance in your workplace, the time to take action is now. Organization means you will have a voice in your wages, and the terms and conditions of your employment. Our free society depends on mutual respect and trust among individuals.
Our members are provided access to health insurance, life insurance, dental, vision, income replacement insurance and defined benefit and defined contribution retirement benefits. Ready to organize? Please give us a call.